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Historic District Commission Minutes 12-1-2009

Chairperson Macro called the meeting to order at 7:39 pm

Members present:        Chairperson Macro, Commissioner Jennings, Commissioner Pitcock
Members absent: Commissioner Fitzpatrick
Alternates present:     Commissioner Evans, Commissioner Foley  
Alternates absent:      Commissioner Klein
Chairperson Macro appointed Alternates Foley and Evans as regular members of the Commission for the meeting.

Also present were COA applicants Nicholas and Laura D’Aiello and their architect, Mr. Buchek.

Motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Foley to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held on November 4, 2009. The motion carried unanimously.


Commissioners requested the presence of the D’Aiello’s to explore further the plans for the garage and addition to their house at 1648 Main Street. The D’Aiellos provided complete elevation drawings for the project at the meeting, as requested. After close review with the homeowners, the following recommendations were made:
Garage: doors will be horizontally paneled (as drawn on new drawings); transom lights will be single pane; windows on south elevation should be closer together and raised up to be more symmetrical; removal of the small window in the gable of garage would be acceptable; the board and batten finish, either painted or weathered is acceptable.
Breezeway: remove window and center door on wall (recycling door on south elevation of house, with window is acceptable).
Roof: Reduce the height (elevation) of the roofline to provide better definition
between the original structure and the addition.
Windows: small windows in the north and south gable ends of the original structure and the addition should be double hung, size to be determined.
Commissioners encouraged the D’Aiellos to recycle brownstone on the property, especially for the steps to the south entrance and breezeway entrance, if needed. Recycling of blue stone on the property was also encouraged.

Commissioners felt the proposed project was definitely worthy of approval, but before issuing a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Commission will need to have a set of final scale drawings, appropriate for the town Building Department.

Chairperson Macro reported that she had sent an email to James Sexton regarding the final list of properties to be included in the Historic Resources Inventory and also requesting an update on his progress.
Commissioner Evans moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 pm; seconded by Commissioner Pitcock. The motion carried unanimously.

        Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  January 5, 2010